Welcome To East To West Therapeutics
at The Zen Den
"Traditional Medicine for Modern Problems of the Mind, Body and Spirit."
Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bodywork, Medical Massage, Acu-therapies, Nutrition and Herbal therapies making a difference in people's lives.
John is a Traditional Oriental Medical Practitioner, Kinesiologist, and Massage Therapist in Bozeman, MT.
You are probably visiting this website because you were directed here by me, a friend, a family member, your trainer, your boss, a co-worker, your doctor, or your intuition. Now that you're here, please feel free to look around. Most of this information is just the basics: Who, what, where, etc. If you need more information, feel free to send an email or call.
In brief, John has been practicing massage and bodywork since 1987 and Traditional Oriental Medicine since 1996, and with repetition, time, and love of work he has developed a unique practice that has clients returning time after time, usually every month or two, to reap the benefits of Oriental medicine practiced by an accomplished massage therapist. In addition, John is an educator of complementary and alternative therapies, which can sometimes seem like an overwhelmingly large field. Few things are as rewarding as helping others navigate their way to a clearer understanding of their health care options.
You are encouraged to reach out, book an appointment or share this link with others you feel might be interested in services offered at East To West Therapeutics.
For a bit more about your therapist, John, please click here
For more about types of sessions and rates, please click here
For more about types of sessions and rates, please click here
Benefits of Bodywork and Acupuressure
Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine
What is The Professional Wellness Association?
East To West Therapeutics, LLC Bozeman, Montana
P: 406-595-3665 e: [email protected] CO Lic. #MT-0014642 MT Lic.#LMT-LMT-LIC-29439
P: 406-595-3665 e: [email protected] CO Lic. #MT-0014642 MT Lic.#LMT-LMT-LIC-29439